Sunday, November 26, 2006

It's Christmas-time!

I think I'm still stuffed from Thanksgiving! We went to my mom's for the big day, so I fixed a turkey for us on Friday. It's just not Thanksgiving weekend if I don't have turkey sandwiches for days.

I also got up at 4:00 a.m. on Friday and hit the sales. Yes, I'm one of *those* people. I LOVE shopping on that day. I plan out my route on Thanksgiving night and hit the stores early. I managed to get everything that was on my list! And, I have just about all my shopping done! I have just one more thing to get for Mike and one thing for my mother. This gives me time to make some of my gifts. Mike did a little shopping on that day, too. He brought home a 42" plasma screen TV. The picture is beautiful AND he got a GREAT deal on it.

I am really looking foreward to Christmas this year. Last year, Mike spent the holidays freezing his tush off high in the mountains of Afghanistan, while Nicholas and I were trying to be merry here. It was not the best Christmas, to say the least.

Here is a photo of my dear husband and Rita Cosby, from MSNBC. We refer to her as Mike's second wife. LOL. He has always liked her, so this was a big treat for him. BTW, this is the hanger he lived and worked in.
Rita came to their base in Afghanistan just before Christmas with a group of pro wrestlers that were there to entertain the troops. We've never been wrestling fans, but I gained a new respect for them for going all the way over there to entertain our troops...On to the present. We are all happy at home this Christmas. I wish everyone was.

I promised another picture from Art and Soul. This was a bracelet I made on the first day of A&S. I even made the head pins. Oh! I can't tell you how much I love to fuse silver wire!! I really love this bracelet and I wear it all the time. The large tear-drop beads are a pink and black stone and the small ones are pink glass.
I made this in a class taught by Lisa Call. She is a wonderful artist and a patient teacher. For Christmas, my husband is getting me all the tools I need to start fusing silver wire. I reaaaaaally love to melt metal. I can't wait to make chains for the soldered charms I already make.


lindaharre said...

Cindy.........If you are serious about the houses on my blog....I will go and see if I can get you some and ship them to you! Let me know if you want me to (you know I will check now anyway:) I know it is hard to see something and not be able to purchase it for yourself! Have you gone online to HobbY Lobby.......You may want to try that first:) Linda

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy...I found your blog through Lisa Call's blog...I was in her Fused Charm Bracelet class at A&S too! Your bracelet is SO gorgeous! I love the pink and black. And wasn't making our own headpins the coolest??? Looking forward to seeing what you make with your Christmas presents! :-)

Anonymous said...

i want that bracelet, girl. gorgeous!