Friday, July 07, 2006

A little late

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Isn't this a beautiful photo? Mike took it last winter when he was in
Afghanistan. That flag is HUGE! The doorway it's in is the hanger Mike
lived and worked in. Some professional wrestlers came to Bagram to do a
show for them. We weren't fans of pro wrestling before this, but Mike
said they were all really polite, generous people. Every time a soldier
thanked a wrestler for coming all the way to Afghanistan, the wrestler
would correct them and say, "No. THANK-YOU." Gotta give them credit for
that and making that loooooong trip at Christmas time.

So, this is my late, but heartfelt Independence Day photo. It's an
extra special holiday to us now. Last July, Mike got the deployment
news less than a month before his departure. It was an uncertain time
for us. Now he's back and we are very appreciative of it. I wish they
could all come home NOW.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love that pic !