Saturday, May 26, 2007


Today I'm starting my first week of vacation this year. In fact, it's my first time off SINCE OCTOBER!! Even when my son had a snow day, I worked from home. I have taken a few sick days, but no ME time. I don't recommend this to anyone. (The non-stop work, not the time off.) The work I do is project-based and I had several back-to-back priority projects. Some days, I was up at 5:00 am working on the computer before I got my son up for school. Those projects are successfully done, so I can now use vacation time! I have at least a week off each month until September.

On Friday of this week, I'm taking three colored pencil technique classes. Woo hoo! There's nothing I like doing more than learning new art techniques.

The rest of the week, I'm going to hang out at home and play with my art supplies. I have some new fine silver to fuse and some sterling silver to make into jump rings for chain maille, my newest obsession.

My husband asked me if I wanted him to take a day off this week, so we could have time off together. I said "NO!". LOL. He laughed and said he understood. This is why we have been married for 16 years and plan on staying that way! We give each other space.

Hopefully, I'll have some art projects to share later this week.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Cindy B! Glad you have had some time off this week. Hopefully you're feeling refreshed and have been creating all sorts of fun stuff to share on your blog!